Following a successful first series of seminars earlier this year, this Next Generation Business Seminar series, which is run over a period of 4 weeks will answer your questions about growing your business and help you get on your way.
Each seminar is run by an expert and will be followed by a Q&A Session. Our presenters all have the experience of starting their own businesses and going through the growth period that you are now experiencing. Not only have they been selected for their expertise in their field but for their first-hand experience of growing their own businesses. You will be able to speak with our experts after the presentations as well as having the opportunity to network with other business owners.
Seminar 1 – Marketing and PR, 21st June 2017 from 5.30 to 7.00pm
Marketing and PR – Claire Elbrow (Blue Lizard Marketing)
I will be discussing growth strategy and what you need to think about including tactics (integrated marketing), and PR. Costs will also be covered along with how to choose your marketing strategy. The key here is PLAN, PLAN and PLAN.
Seminar 2 – Accountancy and Legal, 28th June 2017 from 5.30 - 7.00pm
Management Accounts and Compliance Accounting – Gary Eves (websters)
Now your business is over 12 months old, qualified accountant Gary Eves, will review what you need to do and what deadlines are involved to ensure accounting compliance. He will also advise on things to watch out for, along with payment methods and penalties. From a Management Accounting perspective Gary will push you to think about your record keeping, setting targets and budgeting and your cash flow/costs.
Legal Issues – Liz Hooley (websters)
Solicitor, Liz Hooley will offer advice on the Data Protection and Privacy Laws. As well as how to define and implement your own Terms of Business.
Seminar 3 – Recruitment, 5th July 2017 from 5.30 - 7.00pm
Recruitment and HR – Sam Sales (CallHr)
Sam will discuss what recruitment means for small businesses including aspects to think about during the process, and key questions on how to attract people, can you afford an employee, as well as role clarity. The different types of employment contracts will be covered along with an overview of employment legislation.
Seminar 4 – Preparing for Growth, 12th July 2017 from 5.30 - 7.00pm
Projecting your Growth – Peter Howard-Jones (Peter Howard-Jones Limited)
How do you finance growth? You must consider at least 2 options. Independent advice will be offered on the types of funding available and which option best suits different circumstances. Strong Financial Management is Key. Peter will also cover the “concept of growth” and how to realise value from growth.
Your business brand is your identity, your company’s most valuable asset. Without protection you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to competitors stealing your image, customers and reputation. A properly registered trade mark prevents this catastrophic damage to your business. Ward Trade Marks will Consult, Register and Protect.
To find out more about our hosts and speakers please visit their websites:
Seminars will be held in Cambridge
Cost: £10.00 per attendee per seminar. Payments can be made by cheque made payable to Andrew Webster Limited or debit/credit card by telephoning 01223 507080.
Although we believe it is beneficial to attend all 4 seminars you may feel that you are interested in a specific topic and only wish to attend those of interest to you, so we are offering 2 for the
price of one - attendance at 2 x Seminars = £10.00 or 4 x Seminars = £20.00.
Spaces are limited on each seminar so please book in advance by emailing:, or calling 01223 507080.