After a super busy few months, it has been great to have this week to reflect how Blue Lizard Marketing has done this year and finalise plans for next.

What's new!
I have been working with a more freelancers with deep expertise in areas such as web development and design, SEO, pay per click and content creation. This works so well for Blue Lizard Marketing as it means I can absolutely match the clients needs to the right people and the results gained are far better.
This has meant I have been able to offer a wider number of campaign options to clients and again the results have been great.
I am now working with client businesses and SMEs in Cambridge, London, Germany, Australia, Dubai and India - you have to love the internet! All of these businesses are focused on gaining business in the UK which cannot be a bad thing!
What worked!
Above! Personally, I have also been working with a number of business and personal experts to help grow my business and tweak my own ways of working. This help is invaluable and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
I have also attended a good number of training courses myself which has expanded my own knowledge no end. Sometimes as a small business, we forget to work on ourselves and our own knowledge levels so standing back can be a really useful exercise. Time is always an issue but learning remains a priority for 2018.
Our mentoring 'Working with you' service has been working well. This service is aimed at small business owners who want to understand how to market their business themselves and probably do not yet need full-on marketing or PR help yet.
Our 'start-up' seminars have been popular and it is fantastic to see how many people are taking the plunge into starting their own business.
I am delighted to have been asked to present at The Business Show next week - not once, but twice! I am presenting on Thursday and Friday so if you are there, pop by and say hello.
What has not!
IT! I learned the hard way with some IT issues recently which caused a bit of large hiccup! Lesson learned and now we have new processes and a back up computer is in place!
Moving into 2018
I have a couple of new projects underway to help develop the business further and hopefully these will be in place by early 2018.
Our client base continues to expand and the sectors we cover have always been wide. I trust this will continue into 2018.
I really do need to get out more in 2018. There are so many great networks locally that it makes such good sense to get out there, but my time does get stretched and clients do come first!
December also is the month most clients finalise their marketing plans for next year. If you have not done yours yet - get on to it!! If you need any help, please do shout, even if it is just a quick phone call (01638 731513) to gain a sanity check - we don't mind!